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Air Products technician installing helium dewars for MRI magnet
Medical Gas Suppliers

MRI Filling

The supply security and reliability you require

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an imaging technology used in radiology departments to take detailed pictures of the insides of a patient's body to help diagnose medical conditions. The MRI equipment are fitted with superconductive magnet coils that require liquid helium to keep them cold without disruption.

Air Products offers °KeepCOLD® MRI magnet filling services using state-of-the-art liquid helium dewars, ensuring high transfer efficiency and maximised uptime, so your staff will have more time to focus on patients and other related activities.

Contact Air Products today and let us be the security behind your supply.

Ask the Expert

Why is helium used in MRI magnets?

Helium is the only gas that boils at 4.2K in its liquid form which is the temperature required for the superconductive magnet coils.

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