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Air Products’ commitment to honest, fair business means more than following the laws in countries where we operate or adhering to policies and standards. It’s a pledge. We’ll resolutely safeguard our integrity. Our actions and behaviors will strengthen it, and we’ll protect those who uphold it from retaliation or retribution.
Charles I. Cogut, Retired Partner, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Lisa A. Davis, Former Member of the Managing Board and CEO of Gas and Power for Siemens AG
Chadwick C. (Chad) Deaton, Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Baker Hughes Incorporated
Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Air Products
David H. Y. Ho, Chairman and Founder of Kiina Investment Ltd.
Edward L. Monser, Retired President and Chief Operating Officer of Emerson Electric Co.
Matthew H. Paull, Retired Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of McDonald's Corporation
Wayne T. Smith, Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BASF Corporation
The Board is composed of a diverse group of leaders in their respective fields. Many of the current directors have leadership experience at major domestic and international companies with operations inside and outside the United States and experience on other companies’ boards, which provide an understanding of different business processes, challenges, and strategies. Others have experience in government relations or key market sectors which reflect our customer base, or financial or governance expertise. All have personal traits such as candor, integrity, commitment, and collegiality that are essential to an effective board of directors.