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Hydrogen Plant

Hydrogen for Fueling

Advantages of Air Products as your hydrogen supplier


At Air Products, nothing is more important than safety, not production, not sales, not profits.

Security of supply

Multiple sources of hydrogen thanks to our network of plants and transfill facilities

Modes of supply

Air Products offers pipeline supply as well as delivered gas or liquid and onsite generation

Dedicated fleet of trucks and drivers

Air Products employees and trucks make deliveries 24/7

Responsive Service

Customer Service, logistics and maintenance personnel available 24/7


Air Products has produced and distributed hydrogen for more than 60 years

Air Products’ Hydrogen Experience

Air Products is the world’s leading hydrogen supplier.  It owns and operates over 100 hydrogen plants producing more than seven million kilograms (three billion standard cubic feet) per day of hydrogen and it maintains the world’s largest hydrogen distribution network.
Air Products has more than 60 years of hydrogen experience and an extensive patent portfolio in hydrogen dispensing technology. The company has been involved in more than 250 hydrogen fueling projects in over 20 countries worldwide. Cars, trucks, vans, buses and many other vehicles have been fueled using Air Products’ hydrogen. 

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